Thursday, 31 March 2016

Legalizing it in Canada

I have been reading articles regarding Canada's legalization plan. I get blown away by all the misinformation that is out there. Allot of people I mean allot still have old antiquated views on this subject. Ill provide a few examples below.

I would like to draw you attention to this paragraph.

"She says that concerns about contact-highs are often cited but are not scientifically sound arguments that a child is in danger. Contact-highs have been widely discredited as a myth, and cannabis must be cooked before it can get you high." From :

WTF is a contact high? Wikipedia says a contact high is.
"A contact high is a psychological phenomenon that occurs in otherwise sober people and animals who come into contact with someone who is under the influence of drugs. It involves a supposed transfer of the physiological state of intoxication. A glossary of drug users' language from the 1970s describes the term as "a psychogenic 'trip' without taking drugs by being close to somebody while he or she is on drugs. The term is often incorrectly used to describe the high obtained by inhaling the smoke of other marijuana smokers."

Really a "contact high", Really? How often have you heard of people being contact drunk? Personally I have never heard of it. Wikipedia doesn't even have a definition for "contact drunk". So we know anybody who thinks they are getting a contact high is either: Drunk, High, Stupid or just mentally unstable.

Lets look at that paragraph again there is something else I found interesting.
"and cannabis must be cooked before it can get you high." What does that mean? I have heard police officers and other "informed peoples" say that marijuana needs to be cooked like meth. I have also heard that "Grow OPs" are just as dangerous as a meth lab. Are you for real? Are you trying to tell me that a plant growing in my garden makes my garden just as dangerous as a meth lab? What have you been smoking?

Maybe I am reading to much into this maybe they meant that you must "cook" it into food before you can get high?

Is it possible that these people "informed" people are basing their opinions on old marijuana techniques? What I mean is, ten years ago grow ops were scary and dangerous. With the grower bypassing his electric meter so that the electric company would not alert police to a grow op in his house. Dangerous wiring is dangerous be it for a grow op or otherwise.

Today we have complete self contained kits that will grow marijuana safely and effectively with low power LED lights. Gone are the days of bypassing electric meters. Soon the days of police flying over your house with FLIR cameras will be over. They wont find hot spots in any house using LED or CFL lights for that matter.

Add to this, if marijuana becomes legal for everyone to grow. You just wont have the 800 plant grow op house in your neighbourhood. It wont be able to exist. If I can grow it myself why would I pay someone else’s outrageous prices for the same product. Plus if I do it myself I can ensure everything is up to my personal standards. Maybe I prefer 100% organic. Maybe I need a particular strain to help with my arthritis.

How can we ever hope to update our legal system if we cannot upgrade our thinking system.

Leave your comments. I want to know what you think.

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